Video Game Trailers: Coming Soon Exclusively on PlayStation 3 Pt3

Hello and welcome to the third remake video for PlayStation 3 Exclusives coming soon. In this video I will be showing 6 more great reasons on why to go get yourself (and your best friend) a PlayStation 3 and join the PlayStation Network.

NOTE: This video is a remake because Namco Bandai forced me to remove my other video because it had Katamari Forever on it, so I had to remake this video with new footage of Heavy Rain in Katamaris place. However, Katamari Forever is still Exclusive on PS3 and is a great game.

Atelier Rorona - A new Japanese RPG Coming Soon Exclusive on PlayStation 3!

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time - Another sequel in the awesome Ratchet and Clank series! Out NOW Only on PlayStation 3.

Metal Gear Online Scene Expansion - 2009 Release Worldwide! (out now) Its an awesome add on to the MGS4 Online Experience.

Shatter - Another great arcade style shootem up made Exclusively for the PlayStation 3. Out now on the PSN!

Heavy Rain - Another look at the incredible looking game coming February 2010 Only on the PlayStation 3.

Eye Pet - Coming soon Exclusively on PlayStation 3 early 2010. A new thing for the Eye Toy.

M.A.G. - A new awesome shooter featuring up to 256 players at a time per game online. Its the new thing by Zipper Interactive famous for the Socom series, and it's set to blow away anything the competition plans to offer this January 2010.

So, after watching Parts 1, 2, and 3 of upcoming PS3 Exclusives, I can see your excited and ready for a Sony PlayStation 3 now in your home. But your die hard Xbox friend is still on the fence and wants to see more you say?

Well, what else can I say but, watch Part 4 and you can see for yourselves what other great exclusives are coming to the PlayStation 3 that you will be missing out on if your still stuck on that old 360 hardware. :)

That's right, the time to get your own PlayStation 3 is now. With the best hardware, and best software you just can't go wrong.

Wherever, Whenever, Forever.... PlayStation.